Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Class Tomorrow!

Today we had our second day of orientation. A very nice man named Vitek led us around our area of town and explained the things that would be obvious to any Czeck national. So now I know things like how to read the tram schedule, where to catch the metro, where to buy school supplies, and that one should always choose Thai restaurants over Chinese restaurants in Prague. Vitek showed us how to catch the tram to our university (which everyone apparently abbreviates to "Uni"). At our university, we attended a fairly lengthy lecture about how to stay safe in the city, how to switch our schedules around, and how to cope with culture shock. We were served pizza for lunch but my gluten-free self and my vegan roommate brought our own snacks instead.

On our walk back to the apartment, we stopped by a tea shop that I'd seen on our way to school that morning. It was too fantastic to properly take in at the moment, especially with six people waiting on me to make my purchases, so I'll be going back in the next few days. It's a whole store that just sells tea. They have jars of loose tea everywhere and the walls are covered in boxed tea. About half the labels are in Czech so a lot of it will be a mystery to me, which actually makes it more exciting. It'll be like the Bertie Bott's Beans of tea!

Once we made it back to the apartment, one of my roommates and I ventured out to the grocery store to get some more food to cook. I'm hoping to get more adventurous eventually, but for tonight I just boiled some more veggies and potatoes for dinner. But I now have dried beans and lentils in the cabinet so I'm bound to cook them eventually, right?

Classes start tomorrow morning at 9AM for me with Czech language. Wish me luck!

Note: This next two paragraphs are primarily for my family and super-close friends who seem to not be bored by the intricate details of my life. Feel free to skip them if you don't fall in to one of those categories.
I've been thinking about how my schedule is orientated, and it's occurred to me that if I replaced my Friday morning Intro to Psych class with something earlier in the week, I could leave on weekend trips by Thursday at noon. I'm planning on doing that and taking something like "Sociology and the Family" instead, but that really messes up my balance of Religious Studies vs. Health Sciences classes, so I've been researching the possibility of taking my first semester of Chemistry in 5 weeks at ACC this summer (anyone know someone who has done this?). I've emailed Guilford to see if the credits will transfer. I'm just not sure that I'll be able to handle that class along with my job at Lifetime, which I definitely want to keep.

Also, the strain of traveling and all the walking that orientation entailed did a number on my knee. It's definitely feeling worse and my kneecap is tilted off to the side again. My strategy so far is to wear a knee brace all day and get a heating pad on it as soon as I get back to the apartment. Walking isn't too much fun though, especially on Prague's ubiquitous cobblestone streets. I should be able to get a gym membership early next week, but until then I'll have to settle for crunches and pushups on the creaky wooden floor of our sitting room. My poor roommates...

It's time for sleep now. Dobrou noc!

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