Tuesday, February 4, 2014


It's occurring to me that I should probably explain what I'm doing here, just in case anyone doesn't know. So here it goes:

I'm enrolled at Guilford College and I'm studying in Prague through an independent company called CEA. I'm rooming in an apartment with four other girls, all from different parts of the United States. I'll be going on some excursions with my program, and I'll be attending classes at Anglo-American University, which partners with CEA. Prague is divided into districts (Hunger Games, anyone?) and my apartment is in District 2. My school is a little bit north and across the Charles River from my apartment, about a 15 minute walk.

Here's a picture of my room. My bed is on the left.

While here, I'll being taking 5 classes: Intro to Psychology, Intro Czech Language, Folklore and Mythology, Anthropology of Religion, and an Advanced Seminar on the Holocaust. 

David (my boyfriend), who attends Texas State, will also be studying in Prague this semester though he'll be at a different college and is affiliated with a different company. He arrives on February 15th and I am very excited about it.

That's all for now. Dobrou noc! ("Good night!", pronounced "do-broh nots")

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