Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday: Church and a Walk

One of my roommates has an uncle who is a missionary, and his friend started a church near here. This morning, all my roommates and I went to visit. It was more high-church-y than I'm used to, but it was a fun experience nonetheless. Afterwards, we were about to sneak out before a woman came over and invited us to a social hour. We decided we'd go for a few minutes, and ended up staying for the whole time. Out of about 15 people there, three were from Texas and one was from North Carolina, so I had plenty to talk to them about. Plus, they had french press coffee, which never hurts my chance of liking people.

After church, we came back to our apartment, ate lunch, and read some. It was a fairly chilly overcast day, a perfect curl-up-under-the-covers day. We decided to take a walk after a little bit though. First, we practiced walking to school once more before most people's first full day of school tomorrow. Some of us also have class in the library, which is farther north than the main school building, so we headed up there next. We stopped my a little beach area on the Charles River and took some pictures, before heading in the general direction of David's apartment-to-be. On the way, we passed through Old Town Square, arguably the tourist hub of the city (in competition with the Charles Bridge). In the middle of the Square, there was a guy playing guitar and singing American hit songs. We stopped and listened for awhile, as he was pretty talented. I realized I'm definitely a live music snob though, because I was rather unimpressed that he wasn't singing original songs. I guess that's what growing up in Austin will do to you.

On the way to school. There's Prague Castle in the background.

I look so tiny in front of my school. That's the main building of AAU.

View of Charles Bridge from the small beach area where we stopped

Old Town Square
Guy playing guitar in Old Town Square

For dinner, I made some soup with the rest of those beans, mushrooms, and cabbage. It was definitely a success and a repeat. I've got some leftovers too, which is excellent since I'll be in class until 9:15pm both tomorrow and Tuesday night. Most people usually complain about starting school again, and occasionally I tag along. But, to be honest, starting new classes always gets me really excited. New things to learn! New people to learn from and with! New notebooks and folders and textbooks! Oh, it's all so much fun.

I am such a nerd. I love it.

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